Thursday, April 17, 2008

From the Website

are white men the only unprotected group?Are you disgusted as I am hearing about the Parsley’s, Ferraro’s, Bill Clinton’s, Wright’s, & Farrakhan’s? Wouldn’t it be nice for the media and the pundits to leave idealogs, Zenophobes, and idiots behind to refocus on the real issues that affect America, the world, & our day to day lives? I think there is enough sensationalism to go around for all the networks in this political cycle. It was great to see Obama turn this tabloid grade issue of the former pastor Jeremiah Wright’s “America bashing” into something that America really has to deal with (someday as adults) like the undercurrent of racism that is still quietly prevalent in our culture.

But even as Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, CBN, National Review, and many other historic Obama detractors gathered around praising the brilliance and national necessity of this speech on Tuesday… the double talk of Gingrich, Hannity, and other talking Fox heads dwelled on Wright’s “America bashing” for hours on end with just a softly spoken, blonde, female, pro-Obama figure to give them the illusion of “Fair and Balanced” reporting. There will be nary a mention that McCain thrice repeated that “Iran is training Al Qaeda” to the International News services. In the days to come, I’m sure they will not mention how demeaning it must have been to have Lieberman whisper in his ear the actual gravity of the asinine, Bush-like statement he had just repeatedly made to world. Does Fox really think America is as brain dead as McCain’s command the current Middle East situation?

I usually turn to the Daley Show for comedic relief of the news, but during an election cycle, Fox News never seems to disappoint for their utter ignorance of real world and the unabashed propaganda that spews forth.